Hello Everyone, are you ready for part two? The next day was full of old furniture and vintage shopping! We started out by going to the Getty museum, where my sister and I both roamed the outdoor garden.
The Getty is a beautiful museum, with a small photography section which has pictures from the 1950s. Next we went to the old furniture exhibit.
All these old furniture, makes me think how much detail they used to use, when it was all so handmade, and now the style is not so gody so, how can we use this style furniture in a more shabby chic way?
The Next, I set out for the vintage shopping. I went to multiple shops. First, was a little place that had mostly old photos and records. I got a red silk scarf for $2.25 there.
Then, we went to the Pasadena Antique Mall, which was great! I got a wool plaid skirt there, ($30) though I would not necessarily recommend searching for clothes there, they have a lot of record players, books, jewelry, typewriters, and sewing machines. It was pretty huge in there, rooms and rooms of old things. One room had old props used my movie stars in movies.
Lucille Ball's earrings and Necklace. |
Elizabeth Taylor's Earrings. |
Audrey Hepburn's Necklace and Earrings |
Audrey Hepburn's golden cigarette holder from Breakfast at Tiffany's. |
Marilyn Monroe's vanity set
The next place that was defiantly my favorite place of the day, was called High Low Vintage. It was filled to the brim with the cutest 1950s-1960s dresses and each was in perfect condition. If it would fit in the dressing room, I would have tried on the whole store. |
The only problem with this place was the high prices, a single cotton dress can be $100! So, I just bought a plaid skirt (yes, I bought two plaid skirts on this trip) for 75$. Not sure how good that price was, but I felt bad leaving without something and I now I will use the skirt, in fact I wore it on the first day of school. If you want to see how the other days went, stay tuned for part three.